Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Change of Things to Come

So after some careful consideration after some beautifully delivered criticism, I decided to change the name of my blog and it's only my second posting. While the name is witty and has a fun story behind it (will divulge at a later time), it does not after it. Before I go any further I guess I should find out if I can actually change the name without restarting the whole blog creation process. Anyone? Sam?

So I will conclude this topic by saying that the name reselection process has begun and you will, all 2 of my "followers" find out shortly after I do via our friend the Internet.

So I'm reading this book called "Mind Games" because I think FJ needs some books in his life and in his brain. It is essentially a list of 40 different exercises for his brain, he's really gonna appreciate this one! It banks of the principle that the potential within our minds is far greater than most can imagine but with some training, anyone can tap into that vast cavern. The closest thing I can think of to use as a model would be the Internet. Sam and I have a theory about the infinite nature of the I and how it is the only infinity that man has created. Anyway, by being able to experience what our brains our capable of is really what life is all about. Not because something miraculous happens in our brains but because there is a link between the two worlds which really makes anything possible. Being in love and feeling that love in return has given me the clarity and solidified the fact that this is true.

So sorry for getting all sentimental there but it's true comma period. Back to the book. Here are just a few examples of "lessons":

-How to bring on an out-of-body experience
-Remembering names
-Memorize a deck of cards
-Think like a millionaire
-The power of synchronicity

"synchronicity"? not sure what it is but I want it! I want all those things so why can't I have them? Rhetorical question.

So sorry again for possibly stinking up the blog scene. I promise it will get better, I just need to make a few mistakes first.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Okay so apparently I have a blog.

I never thought this would happen. It follows with the trend of my life lately which seems to be that things I never thought would happen to me have become the expected rather than the improbable. Elaboration to follow in a later post.

But speaking of posts, I really hope that I can find the discipline within myself or otherwise to keep this going somewhat consistently but I think for some weird reason that I will succeed, Somehow Anything Matters.

I regret that I don't have the wherewithal to put a great amount of effort into the first installment of Professional English but just know that only greater things can follow.

I am off to the DPL to research articles about the "Underground King Sooper's" for a little project I'm working on.

Good Hunting.